How to independently monitor the health of a kitten
The kitten's health is very fragile, so it is extremely important to monitor it carefully.…

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Kitty eyes
Cat's eyes are a visual organ that allows cats to hunt small prey even in…

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Feeding cats: the right food and diet
Overfeeding or underfeeding? Of course, a reverse process can also occur - underfeeding of the…

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especially if other animals

Ticks and fungi in cats

Among the tormentors of animals are intradermal parasites, representatives of the arachnid class. They cause itchy scabies (sarcoptosis, notoedrosis), ear scabies (otodecosis), and iron gland (demodicosis).

The skin disease of dogs, the causative agent of which is a tick – canine itch. Parasitic on the scalp and other parts of the body. Continue reading

Principles of nutrition for sterilized cats and neutered cats

What should be the nutrition of neutered and sterilized cats and cats? The answer to this question is simple: the diet should meet the needs of the pet and its age, to be comprehensive and diverse.
Principle # 1. Feed must meet pet needs.
Properly selected food: Continue reading

Sterilization of cats and castration of cats
Pet owners who do not plan to raise the offspring of their pets, should think…


If a cat scratches upholstered furniture - what to do?
Breeding cats Every month dozens of Russians buy kittens, which in a few weeks grow…
