Cats Digestive Health
Every cat owner must first take care of the health of her digestive system. Only…

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Castration, sterilization, care after surgery
First, let's look at the terminology. Castration is the removal of reproductive organs. At males…

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Ticks and fungi in cats
Among the tormentors of animals are intradermal parasites, representatives of the arachnid class. They cause…

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skin turn red

Ticks and fungi in cats

Among the tormentors of animals are intradermal parasites, representatives of the arachnid class. They cause itchy scabies (sarcoptosis, notoedrosis), ear scabies (otodecosis), and iron gland (demodicosis).

The skin disease of dogs, the causative agent of which is a tick – canine itch. Parasitic on the scalp and other parts of the body. Continue reading

Sterilization of cats and castration of cats
Pet owners who do not plan to raise the offspring of their pets, should think…


Breeding cats
“And today our cat gave birth to kittens yesterday. Kittens have grown a little bit,…
