Ticks and fungi in cats
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Ticks and fungi in cats

Among the tormentors of animals are intradermal parasites, representatives of the arachnid class. They cause itchy scabies (sarcoptosis, notoedrosis), ear scabies (otodecosis), and iron gland (demodicosis).

The skin disease of dogs, the causative agent of which is a tick – canine itch. Parasitic on the scalp and other parts of the body. The latent period lasts 1-2 weeks. The main symptom is acute itching, worse at night. The disease is transmitted by contact. Sick animal should be isolated. The diagnosis is made by examining the scraping of the affected skin.

Not only cats suffer from notodroza, but also dogs, as well as rabbits. The pathogen is a special itch mite settling on the scalp and ears. Symptoms – as in the previous case. Differential diagnosis is established by laboratory research. Veterinary doctors have reliable means for treatment. Do not use creolin emulsion!

Otodektoz (ear scab)
Primary localization of the disease – the ears of animals. The causative agent, a scabies tick-borne mite, penetrates into the auditory canal, and then penetrates its wall, sucks the lymph. As a result, an inflammatory process of the outer ear occurs (purulent discharges appear, brown crusts form), which can turn into inflammation of the middle ear – otitis. Otitis is fraught with severe complications – perforation of the eardrum, a sharp decrease in hearing. Cats are especially hard, and long-eared dogs at a young age are more often infected.

Demodecosis (iron)
In addition to the skin, it also affects some internal organs: the intestines, liver, spleen. The causative agent – the scab-like mite Demodex Canine – takes place in the dog’s body for 3-6 weeks the full development cycle: from egg to adult. Transmitted by contact. The latent period lasts 4-6 weeks. Infection begins with the skin of the head and gradually spreads to the neck, limbs. Damaged areas of the skin turn red, become folded, and scales appear on them. In severe cases, purulent vesicles are poured out, which then ulcerate. Itching is almost absent. In these areas, hair falls out. Most often, representatives of short-haired breeds (Great Dane, Boxer) become ill. Diseases are prone to puppies and young dogs, after 2 years it is rarely observed.

Acute infectious disease of the skin and hair of animals and humans. The causative agents of the disease are fungi. Carriers – rodents (mice, rats, etc.). The most common forms are trichophytosis and microsporia.
Trichophytosis is superficial and deep. Symptoms of the first: nesting hair loss on the head, neck and extremities of the animal, the appearance on the bald areas of pinkish spots, covered with scales and crusts of gray. Slight itching In deep form, in addition to the skin, hair sacs are affected: they suppurate, ulcers and purulent crusts appear.
When microsporia lesions are located throughout the body of the animal. Hair in the area of ​​stains break or fall out. Inflammatory reaction is expressed slightly.
Trichophytosis is more likely to be affected by dogs; cats, as a rule, have microsporia.
Ringworm requires long-term treatment. Prevention of this chronic disease – strict observance of zoohygienic rules for animal care, exclusion of contact with stray quadrupeds.

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