Kitten upbringing
Kitten upbringing should be practiced from a very early age and throughout life. Let's look…

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Transportation of kittens
Cats do not like changing their habitat, transportation over long distances - for them the…

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Emergency help for cat diseases and injuries.
The life of a domestic cat is full of comfort, warmth and care on the…

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Interesting facts from the life of cats

1. Cat purring is similar to treating people with acoustic vibrations and can help slow osteoporosis and even restore bone growth in the elderly.

2. The mustache helps the cat to determine if it crawls through the hole!

3. A cat can have more than 100 kittens in its life.

4. In ancient Egypt, at the time of the pharaohs, the daughter of the god Ra, Bastet, was depicted as a cat.

5. Cats never meow with each other. This sound is designed specifically for people.

6. One pair of cats and their descendants in 7 years can produce 420,000 kittens.

7. “Sociable” cats follow you from room to room to control your actions.

8. In Egypt, the cat was valued not only for its divine essence, in addition to the fact that cats killed mice and snakes, they were also trained to collect the birds killed in the hunt.

9. A cat sweats only the paw pads. Did you notice wet prints on the table after the examination or veterinary examination, when you took the cat?

10. Cats can make about 100 different sounds. For comparison, only about 10 dogs.

11. Falling cat always acts the same way. First, the head is flattened, then the back, then the legs, and at the end the back is arched to soften the landing.

12. If the cat is tearing down the furniture, try to give this place a lemon or orange flavor. Cats hate these smells.

13. The more you talk to cats, the more they talk to you.

14. The pattern of the cat’s nose is unique, like a human’s fingerprint.

15. A giraffe, a camel and a cat are the only animal-pacers, when walking they go first left legs, and then right. Such walking guarantees speed, agility and silence.

16. The Egyptians shaved their eyebrows as a sign of mourning when they lost their beloved cat.

17. Cat’s ear rotates 180 degrees. In each ear, a cat has 32 muscles. They use twelve or more muscles to control the ear.

18. How old is your cat by human standards? If your cat is 3 years old, this corresponds to human 21 years. If 8 years, then humanly 40. If 14, then 70 human years.

19. The average life of a domestic cat is 15 years, while for wild from 3 to 5 years.

20. According to the University of Lyon, there are about 400 million domestic cats in the world. The championship is given to Australia, where there are 9 cats per 10 inhabitants. On the Asian continent, Indonesia is in first place, there are more than 30 million furry animals, and in Europe, France, whose inhabitants have 8 million cats in their care. However, there are countries, such as Peru, Gabon, where the domestic cat is almost never found.

21. Every year Americans spend four billion dollars on food for cats. This is one billion dollars more than what they spend on food for babies!

22. If the cat is near you and its tail is trembling, this is the greatest feeling of love that it can express. When the tail begins to fall, it means that the mood has changed, you can move away, it will not be offended.

23. Cats rub against a person in order to “kill” other people’s smells. The smell comes from the glands that are between the eye and the ear and at the base of the tail.

24. If the pupils are dilated, despite the bright light, the cat is very interested in something or in a playful mood.

25. Cats, to see, enough 1 / 6th light needed by man. Their night vision is amazing! In the dark, the cat’s eyes use even the light reflected from the retina.

26. Cats, unlike dogs, cannot focus their gaze on closely spaced objects, that is, farsighted cats, and short-sighted dogs. In fact, the best cat sees at a distance of 75 cm to 2-6 meters.

27. The sensitivity of the cat to the volume of the sound is 3 times higher than that of a man! (If we listen to loud music or the TV is rattling in the room, then the cat should be allowed to go to another room!)

28. The cat’s lower jaw is shaking and teeth are chattering only if the prey is unreachable.

29. Cats smell 14 times stronger than humans!

30. In addition to the nose, cats can smell using the so-called “Jacobson tube” located on the upper palate behind the front incisors.

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How to independently monitor the health of a kitten
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