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Transportation of kittens

Cats do not like changing their habitat, transportation over long distances – for them the real test, and for the fragile psyche of kittens – a traumatic event altogether. But sometimes this cannot be avoided, and in such a case you need to remember some nuances and rules.
So that the pet can transfer the transportation normally, the main thing is that it be healthy. If your kitten has any signs of discomfort, it should first be examined and cured, and only then transported.

But even if the pet is completely healthy, we must not forget about preventive procedures. You will need to get rid of external and internal parasites (fleas, ticks, worms), and vaccinate the kitten. In this case, information on all procedures must be entered in the veterinary passport, and from the time of vaccination to travel must take at least 30 days and no more than 11 months.
Organization of transportation
Try not to feed the kitten at least six hours before the trip to minimize the chance of vomiting due to motion sickness. If the path is not too long, for example, to the country by car, you can get by with a convenient, easy but strong carrying. If you are planning a longer journey, for example, on a train, you need to take care of the tray and the bowls for food and water.

In the plane it is recommended to transport the kitten in hand luggage. However, you need to familiarize yourself with the transportation requirements of animals of a particular airline in advance, as they can vary considerably.

If you leave with your pet for a long time, do not change his diet too abruptly: first you need to feed him with the food he is used to, especially on the road. It will be convenient for you to take with you a certain amount of the usual full ration dry food, such as PRO PLAN® Junior, so as not to expose your pet to excessive stress. If the kitten has a relaxed stool after transportation, but the appetite, body temperature and activity remain, a probiotic supplement can be used, for example PRO PLAN® Forti Flora®.
To transport a kitten, you will need 2 documents:

• International Veterinary Passport;

• Veterinary certificate form №1.

A veterinary passport is issued and issued to a kitten at any veterinary clinic when it is first vaccinated, and a veterinary certificate can only be obtained from a state clinic (animal disease control station) based on a veterinary passport with vaccination and de-worming marks (treatment for worms). Veterinary certificate is valid for 5 days from the date of issuance and prior to shipment. When transporting a kitten abroad at the veterinary control at the airport, this certificate is replaced by an international veterinary certificate. So that you do not have problems with entering another country, find out in advance what requirements for the importation of animals makes a country whose border you are going to cross.

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