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What vaccinations do kittens need?

In the first weeks of a kitten’s life, mother-cat takes care of its immunity. But after weaning from his mother, his natural protection weakens and needs additional support. What does the owner need to do in order to timely provide the pet with this protection?
Why vaccinate a kitten?
Mother’s milk (colostrum), released in the first days of life of the young, contains a large amount of antibodies. Thanks to this, the kitten receives a primary immunity from the cat. In the future, the level of antibodies in milk gradually decreases, but remains sufficient to maintain health and prevent infections.

Naturally, a little kitten’s own antibodies, only excommunicated from the mother, are not enough. To protect the kitten from common infectious diseases, vaccinations (vaccinations) are carried out – preventive measures for the formation of their own active immunity in kittens.
General rules
2 weeks prior to the first vaccination, it is necessary for prophylaxis to give the drug for worms once, i.e., de-worming the pet: these can be drops on the withers or a tablet, which is given strictly in accordance with the body weight of the animal. In the future, it is recommended to carry out this procedure 2-4 times a year, depending on the pet’s lifestyle: whether the cat is domestic or walking on the street, meets with other animals, and so on.

After vaccination, a kitten may experience apathy, lack of appetite, and a short-term fever for 10–24 hours. Do not worry – this is a normal reaction of the body to the introduction of the antigen contained in the vaccine.

Prophylactic treatments for ectoparasites (fleas, ticks) for pets are optional, however, if your plans include walking a kitten or visiting the dacha, you should treat your pet regularly: once every 3–4 weeks, put drops on the skin or wear antiparasitic collar.
First appointment at the vet
For the first time contact a specialist should immediately, as you took a pet from his previous home, or 2 weeks before the first vaccination. At the reception, the doctor examines the kitten, measures the temperature, conducts a survey on the state of his health. Remember, only healthy animals are allowed to be vaccinated! If there are no complaints from the owners, and during the examination the doctor did not find any contraindications, the animal is vaccinated.
The first vaccination kitten
The first vaccination of kittens is carried out at 2 months of age. The first vaccine is put against the main viral diseases – cat herpes, distemper and rabies. And after 3 weeks of revaccination is carried out – re-introduction of the vaccine to enhance immunity.
Vaccination of an adult cat or cat
Next, animals are vaccinated 1 time per year throughout life. In this case, the pet must also be completely healthy and dewormed, and the cat should not be pregnant or nursing.
Scheduled visits
After the first visit, vaccination and revaccination, it is recommended to visit the veterinary clinic when the pet is 6 months old. At this age, the kittens complete the change of teeth, therefore, dental examination is necessary to control the health of the oral cavity.
Castration or sterilization
When you take a kitten into the house, it is important to decide in advance whether you will perform an operation on its castration or sterilization. As one of the approaches to this issue recommend the operation in 10-12 months. At the same time visit the veterinary clinic should be in advance to pass the necessary tests and make sure that the pet is healthy, has no contraindications or allergic reactions.

For more information about castration or sterilization, see the article “What should the pet owner know before it is castrated or sterilized?”.

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