Transportation of kittens
Cats do not like changing their habitat, transportation over long distances - for them the…

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Parasites in cats
Thirty years ago, according to veterinarians, in Eastern Europe, about 90% of cats were constantly…

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If a cat scratches upholstered furniture - what to do?
Breeding cats Every month dozens of Russians buy kittens, which in a few weeks grow…

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Rules for grooming cats and bathing

The first thing people pay attention to when choosing a cat is the length, thickness and texture of its fur. Breeders of the whole world relied on the same sign when breeding new breeds. Today there are more than 70 breeds, each of which has different characteristics of leather and wool. In addition, each cat has individual characteristics. But how to ensure the health of all its external integuments of the body?
How often to bathe a cat?
The answer of leading dermatologists to this question is unequivocal: the less often, the better. Any cat should be bathed only in case of severe pollution, which the animal cannot cope on its own. The skin of bald cats is better to wipe with special wipes to get rid of excess sebum.

If you are still going to bathe your pet, remember that aggressive means: solvents, degreasing agents for the kitchen and even just laundry soap – under strict prohibition! In addition, in no case should the product be allowed to get into the eyes or be swallowed.

Some authors write about the use of detergents for children, but it is preferable to use professional shampoos for animals, which will be offered to you by a veterinarian. It is also not necessary to dry the cat with a hairdryer. The risk of burning the animal is high enough, and even if you use cold air, the hairdryer will unnerve the cat and the bath will turn into flour.
How to comb wool?
Combing many cats seems like an unpleasant procedure, and removing mats from some has to be done under general anesthesia. Because of this, many owners try to avoid this one as much as possible. In fact, in the overwhelming majority of cases there are only three reasons for the hatred and fear of cats to comb the wool:

1) incorrect or even painful combing, the absence of a soothing intro – stroking, affectionate words.

2) the pet is not accustomed to the procedure of combing.

3) individual psychological characteristics of the cat.

Therefore, if a kitten has appeared in your house, it is best to accustom him to the procedure of combing wool from an early age.

If for some reason you have not done this before, do not be alarmed: first of all, with a stroking and tender voice, calm the cat. Then show the cat a comb, and after a few days repeat the acquaintance, gradually moving to combing. Make smooth movements, do not try to snatch tangled areas, and in any case, do not tear out the tangles! Pieces can be very carefully untangled with hands or a blunt knitting needle, and in advanced cases – very carefully cut. It should be noted that each bathing procedure for long-haired and semi-long-haired cats significantly increases the risk of tangle formation, therefore such animals should be washed only when absolutely necessary.
How to maintain the good condition of your cat’s skin and coat?
It is important to remember that the beauty and health of your pet depends on many factors: intake of sufficient nutrients, lack of stress and regular care of the owner of the cat’s health.

To provide it with everything you need, it is important to choose the right diet. So, to maintain the health and good condition of the skin and coat of your pet, PRO PLAN® Derma Plus is suitable for adult cats. This high-quality diet includes all the necessary nutrients, including B vitamins, vitamin E, zinc, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and fiber. PRO PLAN® Derma Plus is suitable for adult cats with increased hair loss or needing skin care.

Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids in combination with salmon proteins in the composition largely contribute to a healthy metabolism of the skin and the silky structure of the hair, reduce inflammation and reduce hair loss.

Due to the high fiber content and control of the formation of clumps of wool that enter the cat’s gastrointestinal tract during licking, PRO PLAN® Derma Plus feed also contributes to their elimination and soft movement of hairs along the digestive tract. But at the same time it is suitable for cats devoid of coat with particularly sensitive skin due to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids.

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Bengal cat
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