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Beauty care Persian cats
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Kitty eyes

Cat’s eyes are a visual organ that allows cats to hunt small prey even in conditions of minimum illumination. This kind of “night vision device” developed in cats during the evolutionary process for thousands of years and was inherited by our domestic cat from wild relatives. Strangely enough, kittens are born without any ability to see – with closed eyelids. They begin to open their eyes and orient themselves normally in space only by the 10–14 day of life, but even at this age the visual organ is at the stage of formation. Poor nutrition, infections, allergies, injuries and other environmental factors can have a detrimental and often irreversible effect on the kitten’s eyes.

As a rule, a person does not have to take care of a baby’s diet up to a month – his mother takes on this responsibility. But as soon as the kitten switches to independent feeding, it is necessary to show increased attention to its feeding. Such a transition is carried out at the age from a month to 2. To form a good vision, the kitten’s diet should be as balanced as possible and contain in sufficient quantity all macro- and microelements. The cat’s visual apparatus is particularly sensitive to the deficiency of taurine, docosahexaenoic omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin A. Among the feeds that fully meet all the standards and feeding standards of kittens, the most attractive are the product lines Purina® PRO PLAN® Junior® and Purina® PRO PLAN ® Junior delicate®. It is proved that the daily use of these rations for feeding kittens contributes to the healthy development of the entire nervous system and the visual apparatus, in particular.

As mentioned above, infections and injuries can also have a detrimental effect on the health of the visual apparatus of kittens. In most cases, both of these problems manifest themselves in the form of inflammation of the eyes: an increased outflow of tears is observed, the eyes turn red, turn sour, and even purulent discharges can be observed. Treatment in each case may vary greatly. Do not engage in self-treatment. At the slightest manifestation of ill health of the visual apparatus of a kitten, it is necessary to consult a qualified veterinary specialist. From first aid equipment, it is worth noting special lotions with which you can always process and wash the affected eyes, ensure proper disinfection and reduce inflammation. In the event that trouble took you by surprise, and it is not possible to buy medicines – do not despair, you can always use chamomile tea or even tea as a lotion (by no means hot!). Just wipe their eyes 4–5 times a day until you show the pet to a veterinary specialist, but you shouldn’t pull a visit to the doctor.

If you suspect an allergic origin of the disease, it is recommended to minimize contact with potential allergens: house dust, cigarette smoke, pollen, poplar fluff … In the absence of allergen exposure, and with minimal hygienic support, the likelihood of remission (improving eye condition) increases .

To prevent eye disease in kittens, it is enough to observe hygiene measures and strictly follow the vaccination schedule. Pay attention to the environment around the kitten and, if possible, isolate it from contact with potentially traumatic objects. Kittens that are genetically prone to increased tearing should wipe their eyes once a day with a clean cloth moistened with lukewarm water. This will relieve them from souring and dry crusts that may appear after sleep. Rubbing should be done carefully, without pressure, from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Also for this procedure, decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile, are well suited, but it is best to buy specialized lotion for daily care at the pet store – the consultant and / or your vet will help you in choosing.

Features of the behavior of cats and the main cat team
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