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Sterilization and castration of cats: the differences and consequences

Caring owners care about the health of their pets and will do everything to ensure that their pets are healthy and happy. It is often not so easy to decide what will be better for the pet. And in order to make an informed decision, one has to study a huge number of information sources that may contradict each other.

In any case, first of all it is necessary to understand what it is: castration and sterilization. Both of these procedures are aimed at stopping the breeding function and are applicable to animals of both sexes, despite the fact that many owners are convinced that the term “castration” refers only to cats, and “sterilization” to cats.
What is castration and sterilization?
castration of cats

When sterilizing the animal, the genitals are not removed: the seed canals are ligated to the cats, and the fallopian tubes to cats. This does not stop the production of sex hormones, which allows you to save hormones. During castration, the sex glands are removed, and as a result of this operation, the reproductive function and the production of sex hormones cease.

Traditionally, cats are called sterilized, and cats – neutered, hence the confusion. For convenience, this article uses the same terminology, although for the most part we are talking about the removal of the sex glands in both cats and cats.

Both of these procedures are performed with the use of anesthesia, and in the case of cats, it is also abdominal surgery, so it is important to know how to prepare for them and what to do in the postoperative period.
How does surgery affect a pet’s health?
The results of many studies suggest that the life expectancy of sterilized animals is, on average, 1.5–2 years longer.

Timely sterilization and castration can significantly reduce the risk of many diseases, such as:
• Endometritis

• Pyometra

• Hydrometers

• Polycystic ovary

• Immunodeficiency Virus

• Oncology of the reproductive organs

• Breast cancer in cats

• Leukemia

How does the pet’s character change after sterilization?
After sterilization and castration, animals become more docile and manageable. They do not seek to escape, less often show aggression. They lose all hormonal problems and related behavior.

So, untreated cats, which are on the street, often get injured during the “sexual hunt” or in the “battles” with rivals. Cats can run away, get lost or get hit by cars. In addition, in non-sterilized animals there is a high risk of infection with various infectious diseases.

However, after the operation, the risk of encountering these problems becomes much lower.
Myths related to castration and sterilization
Myth number 1.
We have no right to change what is intended by nature.

Man has long changed the natural course of life for animals that are now domestic: they do not live on the street, do not get their own food and do not feel the change of seasons. Therefore, it is important to bring the “domestication” to the end: that is, to adjust the habitat to the pet, and to help the pet feel comfortable in the forced habitat.

However, many owners tend to humanize their pets, attributing to them the motives and desires peculiar to man in the first place. But in the sexual behavior of animals, instincts play the leading role, not emotions.
Do not think that the cat is sad because she never had kittens, her desire to breed is physiological, and disappears with the removal of the sex glands.
Myth number 2.
We give pills, and we are fine.

Contraceptives can only be a temporary solution. All manufactured products are designed to stop estrus, and their long-term use causes serious hormonal changes in the body that can lead to the development of various diseases.
Contraceptives do not prevent pregnancy, especially when sharing different sexes.
Myth number 3.
The operation leads to weight gain.

Often associated with castration and sterilization is the development of obesity. Indeed, against the background of a decrease in the production of sex hormones after castration and sterilization, the physical activity of the animal decreases and the feeling of hunger increases. However, overweight after surgery is almost always the result of overfeeding.
If in time to take care of changing the usual feed to a special diet, compiled taking into account all the characteristics and needs of neutered, sterilized animals, health problems are easily avoided.
Myth number 4.
In neutered cats develop urolithiasis.

In the development of urolithiasis it is difficult to single out one reason, there are always several of them:
• reduced fresh water intake

• sedentary lifestyle and the inability to constantly mark the territory

• obesity and unbalanced diet

Castration or sterilization in itself does not affect the development of urolithiasis.
If after the operation the owner did not take care of changing the usual diet to a special one, the cat or cat really risks not only gaining weight, but also earning urolithiasis.

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Sterilization and castration of cats: the differences and consequences
Caring owners care about the health of their pets and will do everything to ensure…
