Cat at home
It is still not known exactly when the cats (Félis silvéstris cátus) began to live…

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About pregnancy cats
The kitten in your house is an absolutely independent creation, full of confidence in people.…

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First Aid Kitten
The first year of life is a particularly important period for a kitten. It was…

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throughout its life

Features of feeding a Persian cat that the owner needs to know

Food preferences for each cat are individual. The responsible owner is simply obliged to examine all his “whims” in food. The only distinguishing feature of all Persians is the manifestation of a rebellious character, if the food is not pleasant. And the cat will starve until the owner of the first surrenders. Continue reading

Stages of growth and development of a kitten
On the way to growing up the kitten is waiting for a lot of events.…


How to choose food for a kitten?
Proper nutrition is the basis of a pet's health, so it’s important to take a…
