Beauty care Persian cats
The origin of the Persian cat breed owes to Middle Asia. Outwardly, these animals look very cute, with a childishly naive look. Graceful, affectionate, charming creatures, who give their love without reserve to their owner and become a true friend of the whole family.
Felids of any kind and breed are famous for their thoroughness. They constantly lick their wool, making it clean. In the forces of every responsible and loving owner to help this pet. Persian cats and cats require special attention and care. After all, their long, thick and beautiful wool and undercoat often go awry, knit and become tangles, which should be carefully combed out.
To prevent these unpleasant moments, it is enough to treat the fur coat daily with talcum powder or chalk powder, and then comb it well with a comb. It is advisable to periodically wash and thoroughly rinse the hair in order to remove traces of grease from the hairs using special means. Caring for a Persian cat should be systematic, otherwise there will be no effect on the effort and time spent. It is recommended to start this from an early age of the animal. For the first time, it is enough to comb out the Persian wool for a few minutes so that the pet is used and not afraid of the owner’s perseverance. At hand should be all the fixtures and tools, so that this procedure was painless and successful.
Combing mats and tangled wool should be in the direction from the head to the tail with a comb with rare and long teeth. It is necessary to do everything carefully. If some dense lumps fail to comb, they can be cut out. Long hairs will well remove a brush with a metal bristle. To comb the face of a Persian cat, it is enough to use a regular toothbrush. Their tail and stomach are sensitive, so all actions should be gentle and careful. Do not comb the tail along the entire length. It is enough to do this from the roots of the hair to the ends. The stomach also requires special care in the care.
Constant attention from the owner require the ears of the Persian cat. Make sure they are clean. Cleaning the ear should be done carefully, because it is a very sensitive place. Moistening a cotton swab with warm water, slowly remove the formed crust. Gradually, you can add soap to the water or any composition intended for this procedure. It is important that no water gets inside the ear.
Care requires claws and teeth of the Persian cat. Caring for the oral hygiene of the animal is the key to a healthy life. Over time, a stone is formed on the teeth, which must be promptly removed. It is desirable to do this in veterinary clinics. There you can also make an additional procedure – grinding teeth.
Cat’s claws should be well-groomed and always clipped to, first of all, to avoid scratching and damage to home furniture, as well as to bring comfort to the animal. Pet grooming procedure should be done gradually. Over time, this will become a habit and will take a little time. Claws are recommended to be trimmed once a month, sometimes more often. When processing the claws of cats, it is important not to hook on the vein along which the vessel passes. Otherwise it is possible bleeding and pain in the Persian.
Adult cats in the generic period and small kittens immediately after birth have a special and more careful care. It is necessary to create conditions of silence, comfort and sufficient warmth to the pet.
After 10 years of life, the Persians begin the stage of aging, in which the owners also should be more carefully and carefully monitored and looked after the fluffy creatures. Teeth and digestion are especially vulnerable at this age.
Do not be afraid of all the listed procedures and procedures necessary to maintain the Persian cat in a beautiful and healthy way. The love that a pet will give will block all possible “inconveniences” in caring for it. Moreover, by caring regularly, skills and experience increase, and time spent is reduced.