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Castration, sterilization, care after surgery
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Major Cat Diseases
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How to choose food for a kitten?

Proper nutrition is the basis of a pet’s health, so it’s important to take a responsible approach to deciding how to feed a kitten.
From the first days of life and, as a rule, up to 4-6 weeks the kitten eats mother’s milk. The milk produced by a cat in the first days of a kitten’s life is called colostrum and contains a large amount of antibodies. Thanks to this milk, rich in antibodies, the kitten receives primary immunity from the mother. In the future, the level of antibodies in milk gradually decreases, but always remains sufficient to maintain health and prevent infections.
Transfer to wet food
At the age of 4-6 weeks, you can gradually accustom the kitten to self-feeding, offering him a little wet food. It is important to remember that mother cat’s milk is a high-calorie product containing 2 times more protein than cow’s milk, and also rich in nutrients, vitamins, essential fatty acids necessary for the growth and development of a kitten.

Therefore, the food that you choose for a pet should meet all the above qualities. For example, wet food PRO PLAN® Junior NUTRISAVOUR® is best suited for switching from dairy to self-feeding, because it contains all the nutrients necessary for the harmonious growth and development of a kitten: omega-3 fatty acids to maintain brain development and vision, 40% protein , the correct ratio of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D for healthy growth of bones and muscles.
Transfer to dry food
At the age of 7-8 weeks, dry food can be gradually added to the kitten’s diet and weaned from mother’s milk. However, during this period of life, the body of a kitten is still very vulnerable to infections: he has not yet had time to form his own immunity, and the maternal antibodies no longer come with milk. To provide maximum support for the kitten’s immune system during this period of life, you need to choose the right diet. Thus, PRO PLAN® Junior dry food provides all the needs of a growing kitten’s body. It contains the OPTISTART® complex, which contains colostrum, which strengthens the intestines and promotes the effective functioning of the immune system thanks to antibodies and bioactive substances. PRO PLAN® Junior dry food also contains omega-3 fatty acids to support brain and vision development, 40% protein, the right ratio of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D for healthy growth of bones and muscles.

At the age of 8 weeks, as a rule, the kitten can be completely transferred to dry food. You can also continue the combined feeding, guided by the instructions for determining the total caloric intake. Remember that a kitten should always have a bowl with clean fresh water, regardless of whether wet or dry food is included in its diet.

A kitten up to 12 weeks of age should be fed 5-6 times a day to ensure normal metabolism. So that the kitten does not feel hungry and can go as far as necessary to the bowl, use dry food, as it can stay fresh much longer.

How to choose food for a kitten?
Proper nutrition is the basis of a pet's health, so it’s important to take a…


Domestic cat: the main qualities of cats
Of all the animals domesticated by humans, it is perhaps the domestic cat (in a…
