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Feeding cats with natural food

Despite the presence in the sale of a large number of specialized feeds designed for different age categories, the question of feeding cats with “natural” feeds remains topical (if only because it is cheaper). At the same time, 3/4 of the ration should be “natural.”

A 4-5 component diet is proposed at the following feeding frequency:

With a one-time feeding feed is better at night. We repeat the elementary truth once again: no matter how many times and whenever you feed a cat, water (preferably boiled) should always be. The change of water affects the animal much more than the change of diet (which means that if you transport an animal somewhere, for example at an exhibition, it is better to take water with you). It should also be remembered that cats do not distinguish the taste of a liquid well, and for it there is no particular difference between water and, for example, sweet tea.

Keep this in mind and do not leave open vessels with liquids! And so you can and should give a cat a weak decoction of rice.

The average temperature of the food should be 30-40 ° C. When changing the diet at a time you can change no more than 2 components. In most cases, unless otherwise stated, all food components must be uncooked.

1. Meat and offal.

This is one of the most attractive products (its digestibility reaches 90%). In this case, pieces of meat should be cut into cubes the size of one cubic centimeter. For kittens, meat can be scraped, and mince (especially made on industrial equipment) should not be given at all. From meat products should be given veal, beef, poultry; pork – only boiled and in small quantities. We usually keep meat frozen and thawed in a microwave oven, which gives an additional guarantee of safety (microwave radiation has a detrimental effect on microorganisms and bacteria).

As for by-products, they can and should be given, especially the liver, which has an extremely positive effect on the color and sexual functions of the animal. Crude liver is weak, va-rena on the contrary. It is very useful to give chicken heads and necks, slightly beating them with a hammer.

2. Fish products.

Fish must be scraped or cut into small pieces without bones (for kittens), large bones should be removed anyway. River fish give only boiled! Sea fish do not boil. It should avoid giving cod and pollock. It should be borne in mind that fish (any) should be given no more than 1-2 times a week.

3. Canned food (not specialized).

It is better not to give them at all. The same applies to sausage products.

4. Milk.

Whole cow milk is poorly digested by adult animals. You can give kittens up to 4 weeks of age. It is better to give sour cream, clabber, cottage cheese. A great product for both kittens and adult animals is goat milk. You can (and kittens!) Give milk with honey.

5. Chicken eggs.

Vitamin E (biotin), essential for animals, is contained. It is better to give the yolk, because avitin contained in the protein blocks the action of biotin.

6. Bones.

Bones are a source of calcium and phosphorus, but only the cartilaginous bones of broiler chickens should be given to animals.

7. Vegetables and fruits.

If a cat eats them, great! You can give everything that is eaten, but raw (not salted or salted!), In a grated form: carrots. cabbage (cauliflower is especially useful), apples, cucumbers, etc., any greens. Germinated grains of oats, barley, wheat containing vitamins of groups B and C can be useful cats).

8. Cereals.

Cereals (porridges) – rolled oats, semolina, rice. buckwheat, beans, corn must be soaked (can be in milk), but not cook! You can give and bread – fresh or crackers, especially rye. Bread is best given with boiled fish, but not with meat.

9. Mineral feeding.

They are the main source of many groups of vitamins. Cats are most critical for vitamin deficiencies in the following groups: A, B1, H. Vitamin D is low (fish oil should not be given), vitamin deficiency in groups C and E is also rare. Consult with a veterinarian about mineral supplements. And half a teaspoon of yeast can be given every day. In the diet of cats should be introduced (1% of the diet) and salt.

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