10 tips on caring for a pregnant cat
Cats are one of the most popular pets in Russia, America and many other countries,…

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About pregnancy cats
The kitten in your house is an absolutely independent creation, full of confidence in people.…

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Sterilization of cats and castration of cats
Pet owners who do not plan to raise the offspring of their pets, should think…

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pet has several sources

How to choose a kitten? What to ask the breeder?

What should be considered when choosing a kitten and what questions should be asked to the breeder before taking the kitten to the house?

If you decide to have a kitten, consider your possibilities for maintaining, raising and caring for your new friend. Remember – you take a pet into the house not for 1 year, but for at least 10-15 years, so take responsibility for the choice and decision-making. Continue reading

My cat

Cats are quite clean animals. Therefore, for a long time it was believed that they should not be washed at all, but this is not quite so – sometimes cats need to be bathed in cats and cats.

It is necessary to wash the cat if the animal participates in exhibitions, if it happens regularly on the street, as well as after any persistent pollution that the cat cannot cope with. Continue reading

Many people do not see any difference between the Abyssinian and Somali cat. However, the…


Many people do not see any difference between the Abyssinian and Somali cat. However, the…
