10 tips on caring for a pregnant cat
Cats are one of the most popular pets in Russia, America and many other countries,…

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What you need to know about the health of the cat?
For the loving owner of a domestic cat, nothing is more important than her health.…

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Features of the behavior of cats and the main cat team
Like a dog, a cat belongs to the so-called companion animals and lives in close…

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remove fragile items

My cat

Cats are quite clean animals. Therefore, for a long time it was believed that they should not be washed at all, but this is not quite so – sometimes cats need to be bathed in cats and cats.

It is necessary to wash the cat if the animal participates in exhibitions, if it happens regularly on the street, as well as after any persistent pollution that the cat cannot cope with. Continue reading

Castration, sterilization, care after surgery

First, let’s look at the terminology.
Castration is the removal of reproductive organs. At males at the same time testicles (testicles) are removed and at females removal of a uterus and ovaries is carried out. The purpose of a planned operation in animals is the correction of sexual behavior and the elimination of the ability to reproduce offspring. Continue reading

Caring for a cat after surgery
Unfortunately, often, instead of reliable facts, the owners learn frightening myths that may prevent them…


Major Cat Diseases
The development of the veterinary medicine of small domestic animals in our country began relatively…
