Parasites in cats
Thirty years ago, according to veterinarians, in Eastern Europe, about 90% of cats were constantly…

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How long does the pregnancy last in cats? How does it flow?
Each of us has a favorite among the "brothers" of our smaller - animals. And…

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If a cat scratches upholstered furniture - what to do?
Breeding cats Every month dozens of Russians buy kittens, which in a few weeks grow…

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yourself with the transportation

Transportation of kittens

Cats do not like changing their habitat, transportation over long distances – for them the real test, and for the fragile psyche of kittens – a traumatic event altogether. But sometimes this cannot be avoided, and in such a case you need to remember some nuances and rules.
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What you need to know about the health of the cat?
For the loving owner of a domestic cat, nothing is more important than her health.…


Emergency help for cat diseases and injuries.
The life of a domestic cat is full of comfort, warmth and care on the…
