13 facts about cats that you did not know
Cats are probably the most mysterious creatures in the world. And if their behavior at…

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How to independently monitor the health of a kitten
The kitten's health is very fragile, so it is extremely important to monitor it carefully.…

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Kitten upbringing
Kitten upbringing should be practiced from a very early age and throughout life. Let's look…

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information on all procedures must

Transportation of kittens

Cats do not like changing their habitat, transportation over long distances – for them the real test, and for the fragile psyche of kittens – a traumatic event altogether. But sometimes this cannot be avoided, and in such a case you need to remember some nuances and rules.
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Principles of nutrition for sterilized cats and neutered cats
What should be the nutrition of neutered and sterilized cats and cats? The answer to…


Kitten weaning from mother
Excommunication from the mother is the transfer of the kitten to independent feeding and adaptation…
