What vaccinations do kittens need?
In the first weeks of a kitten’s life, mother-cat takes care of its immunity. But…

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First Aid Kitten
The first year of life is a particularly important period for a kitten. It was…

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Interesting facts from the life of cats
1. Cat purring is similar to treating people with acoustic vibrations and can help slow…

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Ticks and fungi in cats

Among the tormentors of animals are intradermal parasites, representatives of the arachnid class. They cause itchy scabies (sarcoptosis, notoedrosis), ear scabies (otodecosis), and iron gland (demodicosis).

The skin disease of dogs, the causative agent of which is a tick – canine itch. Parasitic on the scalp and other parts of the body. Continue reading

What you need to know about the health of the cat?

For the loving owner of a domestic cat, nothing is more important than her health. Often, the owners perceive the pet as a full-fledged family member and are willing to put maximum efforts to maintain its well-being. To prevent possible troubles and reduce health risks, it is important to adhere to several rules, which we set out below. Continue reading

Domestic cat: the main qualities of cats

Of all the animals domesticated by humans, it is perhaps the domestic cat (in a scientific way – Félis silvéstris cátus) today has one of the most privileged positions. And, like the dog, refers to the so-called companion animals, living in close proximity to humans.
However, it does not lose its natural instincts and is able to efficiently catch small game. Continue reading

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How long does the pregnancy last in cats? How does it flow?
Each of us has a favorite among the "brothers" of our smaller - animals. And…


How to independently monitor the health of a kitten
The kitten's health is very fragile, so it is extremely important to monitor it carefully.…
