10 tips on caring for a pregnant cat
Cats are one of the most popular pets in Russia, America and many other countries,…

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Principles of nutrition for sterilized cats and neutered cats
What should be the nutrition of neutered and sterilized cats and cats? The answer to…

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Advantages of the combined food in the diet of adult cats
The average life span of a street cat is 6–7 years. A domestic cat is…

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the authors provide the reader

Breeding cats

“And today our cat gave birth to kittens yesterday. Kittens have grown a little bit, but they don’t want to eat from a saucer. ” Remember these children’s poems? Yes, cats are very prolific. They are able to reproduce from 6-10 months of age, and bring 6 or more kittens at the same time three times a year.

Sexual arousal usually occurs 2 times a year. Continue reading

My cat
Cats are quite clean animals. Therefore, for a long time it was believed that they…


If a cat scratches upholstered furniture - what to do?
Breeding cats Every month dozens of Russians buy kittens, which in a few weeks grow…
