How to choose food for a kitten?
Proper nutrition is the basis of a pet's health, so it’s important to take a…

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Transportation of kittens
Cats do not like changing their habitat, transportation over long distances - for them the…

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How to choose a kitten? What to ask the breeder?
What should be considered when choosing a kitten and what questions should be asked to…

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should be remembered that

Kitten weaning from mother

Excommunication from the mother is the transfer of the kitten to independent feeding and adaptation to life without a mother cat. The most favorable for this is the age of 10–12 weeks. By this time, the kitten can already do without mother’s milk, goes to the cat’s tray and licks itself, and its psyche is stable enough to move to a new place without harm. Continue reading

Stages of growth and development of a kitten
On the way to growing up the kitten is waiting for a lot of events.…


Emergency help for cat diseases and injuries.
The life of a domestic cat is full of comfort, warmth and care on the…
