Beauty care Persian cats
The origin of the Persian cat breed owes to Middle Asia. Outwardly, these animals look…

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My cat
Cats are quite clean animals. Therefore, for a long time it was believed that they…

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Kitten food
At first, the kitten is completely dependent on the mother cat: she feeds him with…

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Kitten food

At first, the kitten is completely dependent on the mother cat: she feeds him with her milk, providing immunity, licking, and teaching the necessary skills. But starting from 2 months, he is already able to provide his energy needs by feeding on his own. It is at this age that it can be weaned from the mother and even offer dry food not soaked in water.
Start feeding the kitten Continue reading

How to choose food for a kitten?

Proper nutrition is the basis of a pet’s health, so it’s important to take a responsible approach to deciding how to feed a kitten.
From the first days of life and, as a rule, up to 4-6 weeks the kitten eats mother’s milk. The milk produced by a cat in the first days of a kitten’s life is called colostrum and contains a large amount of antibodies. Continue reading

Sterilization and castration of cats: the differences and consequences

Caring owners care about the health of their pets and will do everything to ensure that their pets are healthy and happy. It is often not so easy to decide what will be better for the pet. And in order to make an informed decision, one has to study a huge number of information sources that may contradict each other. Continue reading

How to care for a cat depending on the length of its fur?
To maintain the health and beauty of cat hair needs daily care. Most of the…


My cat
Cats are quite clean animals. Therefore, for a long time it was believed that they…
