Sterilization of cats and castration of cats
Pet owners who do not plan to raise the offspring of their pets, should think…

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My cat
Cats are quite clean animals. Therefore, for a long time it was believed that they…

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How to care for a cat depending on the length of its fur?
To maintain the health and beauty of cat hair needs daily care. Most of the…

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inflammation of the urethra

Principles of nutrition for sterilized cats and neutered cats

What should be the nutrition of neutered and sterilized cats and cats? The answer to this question is simple: the diet should meet the needs of the pet and its age, to be comprehensive and diverse.
Principle # 1. Feed must meet pet needs.
Properly selected food: Continue reading

Advantages of the combined food in the diet of adult cats

The average life span of a street cat is 6–7 years. A domestic cat is less susceptible to negative environmental factors that reduce its life expectancy, and with a favorable set of circumstances can live up to 20 years.
However, at the age of 7–8 years in the body of a domestic cat, aging processes are triggered, which lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of life and, consequently, a decrease in its duration. Continue reading

Parasites in cats

Thirty years ago, according to veterinarians, in Eastern Europe, about 90% of cats were constantly hit by several types of parasites at once. And even now, parasitic diseases are extremely common. If, for example, the owner removes his pet in the summer to the country, the risk of infection of the pet will increase significantly. Continue reading

Feeding neutered and sterilized cats and cats
The emergence of many problems with the health of the pet can be avoided by…


10 tips on caring for a pregnant cat
Cats are one of the most popular pets in Russia, America and many other countries,…
