Ticks and fungi in cats
Among the tormentors of animals are intradermal parasites, representatives of the arachnid class. They cause…

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Breeding cats
“And today our cat gave birth to kittens yesterday. Kittens have grown a little bit,…

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Cats have been living with a man for more than one millennium. Domesticated cats, according…

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Feeding cats with sensitive digestion

At the age of 2-3 months, the kitten is usually weaned from the mother cat and begin to offer additional food: wet and soaked in water, dry. It was then that the pet manifested features of digestion, including sensitive digestion.
How to find out that a cat has sensitive digestion? Continue reading

Emergency help for cat diseases and injuries.

The life of a domestic cat is full of comfort, warmth and care on the part of the owner and seemingly cloudless, but at the same time the existence of a predator (albeit domestic) in close proximity to a person creates many situations associated with a risk to the health of the cat. It should be remembered that only a specialist can fight with most cat diseases. Continue reading

Feeding neutered and sterilized cats and cats
The emergence of many problems with the health of the pet can be avoided by…


My cat
Cats are quite clean animals. Therefore, for a long time it was believed that they…
