What you need to know about the health of the cat?
For the loving owner of a domestic cat, nothing is more important than her health.…

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Emergency help for cat diseases and injuries.
The life of a domestic cat is full of comfort, warmth and care on the…

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Beauty care Persian cats
The origin of the Persian cat breed owes to Middle Asia. Outwardly, these animals look…

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after such a procedure

If a cat scratches upholstered furniture – what to do?

Breeding cats Every month dozens of Russians buy kittens, which in a few weeks grow into adult cats and begin to do what their owners do not like very much – mark on the carpet or parquet, dig houseplants out of pots, and sharpen their claws about wallpaper and furniture.
After contact with cat claws, sofas and armchairs will not fall apart, but the appearance of their upholstery will lose its former presentability. Continue reading

Sterilization and castration of cats: the differences and consequences
Caring owners care about the health of their pets and will do everything to ensure…


Castration, sterilization, care after surgery
First, let's look at the terminology. Castration is the removal of reproductive organs. At males…
