Parasites in cats
Thirty years ago, according to veterinarians, in Eastern Europe, about 90% of cats were constantly…

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Features of feeding a Persian cat that the owner needs to know
Food preferences for each cat are individual. The responsible owner is simply obliged to examine…

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Feeding domestic cats
The rules for feeding indoor cats are based on an understanding of their physiological and…

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where she has

13 facts about cats that you did not know

Cats are probably the most mysterious creatures in the world. And if their behavior at home is usually quite understandable, the unpredictability factor still remains. Even if it seems to you that you know your cat perfectly, and you know your cat breed well, it is very likely that some facts will make you look at your pet in a new way. Continue reading

Many people do not see any difference between the Abyssinian and Somali cat. However, the…


Cat at home
It is still not known exactly when the cats (Félis silvéstris cátus) began to live…
