Principles of nutrition for sterilized cats and neutered cats
What should be the nutrition of neutered and sterilized cats and cats? The answer to…

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Interesting facts from the life of cats
1. Cat purring is similar to treating people with acoustic vibrations and can help slow…

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Cats Digestive Health
Every cat owner must first take care of the health of her digestive system. Only…

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calm the cat

Kitten weaning from mother

Excommunication from the mother is the transfer of the kitten to independent feeding and adaptation to life without a mother cat. The most favorable for this is the age of 10–12 weeks. By this time, the kitten can already do without mother’s milk, goes to the cat’s tray and licks itself, and its psyche is stable enough to move to a new place without harm. Continue reading

How to choose food for a kitten?

Proper nutrition is the basis of a pet’s health, so it’s important to take a responsible approach to deciding how to feed a kitten.
From the first days of life and, as a rule, up to 4-6 weeks the kitten eats mother’s milk. The milk produced by a cat in the first days of a kitten’s life is called colostrum and contains a large amount of antibodies. Continue reading

How to care for a cat and a cat after sterilization and castration

Castration and sterilization do not leave significant wounds. However, caring owners should follow the rules for caring for pets after surgery.
On the day of surgery and upon returning home:
• The owner should remember that the animal will completely depart from anesthesia only after 6 to 14 hours, and while the drugs are still in effect, it should be placed in a warm and comfortable place from which it cannot be dropped – under anesthesia in cats and cats the coordination of movements is disturbed. Continue reading

Kitten weaning from mother
Excommunication from the mother is the transfer of the kitten to independent feeding and adaptation…


If a cat scratches upholstered furniture - what to do?
Breeding cats Every month dozens of Russians buy kittens, which in a few weeks grow…
