Sterilization of cats and castration of cats
Pet owners who do not plan to raise the offspring of their pets, should think…

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Feeding cats with sensitive digestion
At the age of 2-3 months, the kitten is usually weaned from the mother cat…

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Cat at home
It is still not known exactly when the cats (Félis silvéstris cátus) began to live…

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animals live at home

First Aid Kitten

The first year of life is a particularly important period for a kitten. It was at this time that the musculoskeletal system is formed, the immune system is strengthened, socialization occurs and the psyche is formed. On the way to growing up a kitten expects a lot of amazing discoveries, incredible adventures, but at the same time and the dangers, many of which people simply do not notice. So contact with the usual central heating battery for your little pet can turn into a burn, and getting to know the doorway can cause a tail injury. Continue reading

Interesting facts from the life of cats
1. Cat purring is similar to treating people with acoustic vibrations and can help slow…


Sterilization of cats and castration of cats
Pet owners who do not plan to raise the offspring of their pets, should think…
